In this section you will find the references for the module, credits for the graphics, and links to oher sites.
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Jones, Fred M. Retail Merchandising. Richard D Irwin Inc., 1957.

Wingate, John W, Elmor O. Schaller, and Leonard F. Miller Retail Merchandise Management. Prentice-Hall Inc., 1972.

Gaither, Norman. Productions and Operations Management. United States: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1996.

Graphics courtesy of:
The Graphic Station
The Party 2000 Free Graphics Page
Angelfire Communications

Here are some additional web sites on the topic of inventory control. I hope they will provide you with any additional information you need.
Inventory Control Forum A link page that may be used to find more web pages on inventory management.
Materials Management and Inventory Management A web page collage course on inventory management.
Management of Inventory The site is a learning archive on inventory management.
Inventory.html A site that provides further information on inventory and inventory management.
Guide to Physical Inventory A guide to managing and conducting a physical inventory.
Be a Control Freak A web pase that offers three strategies to deal with inventory control.
Center for Inventory Management A web page providing information on seminars, various topics, services the center provides and acces to their news letter.

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