Geology Explorer


The following have contributed to the
development of the Geology Explorer
in some capacity or other.

  • Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Geosciences, NDSU
  • Dr. Donald Schwert, Geosciences, NDSU
  • Dr. Brian M. Slator, Computer Science, NDSU
  • Dr. Paul Juell, Computer Science, NDSU
  • Dr. Phil McClean, Plant Sciences, NDSU
  • Dr. Alan White, Botany/Biology, NDSU
  • Dr. Richard Beckwith, Intel Corp.
  • Harold Henry Chaput, Computer Science, UT-Austin
  • Dr. Clark Markell, Earth Science, MSU
  • Dr. Rose McKenney, Earth Science, MSU
  • Acey Olson (Rendered Landscapes)
  • Rebecca Potter (Rendered Images, Icons, and Landscapes)
  • Dr. Don Schwert (Landscape Photographs)
  • Shannon Tomac (Rendered Landscapes, Icons, & Images)
  • Daniel Turany (Rock/Mineral Photographs)
  • Nem Schlect
  • Mark Tinguely
  • Graduate Research Assistants:
    • Krista Dauner; Tutoring Scripts
    • Rahul Devabhaktuni; Hydrology (Water) on Oit
    • Kuo-Di Jian; Java Tool Integration
    • Yongxin "George" Jia; Java/LambdaMOO Hierarchy Tool
    • Bhaskar Marthi; Instrument verbs
    • Vidyalatha Nagareddy; Java/LambdaMOO Entity Tool

  • Undergraduate Research and Independent Study Students:
    • Bryan Bandli; Assessment and Evaluation
    • John Bauer; Java Client (GUMI-bare and GUMI-game) Design and Implementation, Graphical Directive Protocol
    • Otto Borchert; Software tutors, Java client development
    • Chris Fish; Endgame Design and Implementation
    • Guy Hokanson; Software tutors, dynamic HTML
    • Lucas Koehntop; Java consulting
    • Ned Kruger; Assessment and Evaluation
    • Acey Olson; Bryce Landscapes, Tutoring, Player History, Interface Design
    • Carson Rittel; Content Quality Control, Help Database
    • Joy Turnbull; Content Quality Control, Help Database
    • Brad Vender; MOO-side HTML server
    • Dean Vestal; Content Quality Control, Help Database, Interface Design
    • Jane Willenbring; Assessment and Evaluation

  • The 1997-1998 faculty/student research group (co-authers on the SCCS-98 paper)
    • Brian M. Slator, Donald Schwert*, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat*, Phil McClean**, Jon Abel, John Bauer, Brian Gietzen, Nathan Green, Yongxin "George" Jia, Tammy Kavli, Lucas Koehntop, Bhaskar Marthi, Vidyalatha Nagareddy, Acey Olson, Kishore Peravali, Daniel Turany, Brad Vender, James Walsh
      Computer Science, Geosciences*, Plant Science** Departments, North Dakota State University

  • The students of CS372 (Summer 1997):
    • Scott Aagard, Elson Abraham, Brian Allrich, John Bauer, Tonia Brezina, Michele Chown, Murali Dhandapani, Michael Dunkle, Brent Ellingson, Chad Elliott, Bryan Fugere, Nathan Green, Syed Habibullah, Jeffrey Haugen, Robert Hoffman, Jim John, Beau Kautzman, Lucas Koehntop, Shane Kullman, Jason Lagge, Bhaskar Marthi, Debra Meyers, Rupa Mitra, Prashanth Mylvarabatla, Vidyalatha Nagareddy, Curtis Ophoven, Xiaofeng Pan, Kishore Pervali, Mingbo Qin, Silvia Salas, Darin Schmitz, Samuel Silverthorn, Brian Stroot, David Teigland, Daniel Turany, Daniel Ward, Yue Yun.
  • 2000-2005 National Science Foundation (NSF-ITR) No. EIA-0086142 to Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, Dr. Phil McClean, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Dr. Donald Schwert, Dr. Alan White. Systems for Learning Science and Assessing Student Learning; 5 years, $1.94 Million.
  • 2000-2002 ND-EPSCoR, IIP Seed Grant Award, Intelligent Tutoring Using Case-based Reasoning. Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, $10,000 for 1 year (renewable for 1 additional year).
  • 2000-2002 National Science Foundation (DUE-CCLI) No. DUE-9981094 to Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, and Dr. Don Schwert. New Directions in Virtual Geoscience Education; 23 months, $74,192.
  • 1999 ND-EPSCoR, Phase 0 (TRIC) Award. Dr. Donald Schwert, PI, Dr. Brian M. Slator and Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Co-PIs, $3,500 for 6 months (through NSF grant No. EPS-9874802).
  • 1998-1999 Undergraduate Research Salary Support, College of Science and Mathematics, Kevin McCaul, Dean and NDSU Computer Science Department, Ken Nygard, Chair, $3,700 for 9 months.
  • 1998-2000 National Science Foundation (GEO-ED) No. EAR-9809761 to Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, and Dr. Don Schwert. Learning by Doing Physical Geology in a Virtual Laboratory/Virtual Field Trip Computer Environment; 1 year, $49,981, plus 1-year no-cost extension.
  • 1998 North Dakota State University, Faculty Development Committee, No. 3522-6010, to Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, PI, Dr. Don Schwert, and Dr. Brian M. Slator. Planet Oit: Virtual Laboratory for Physical Geology; 6 months, $2,500.
  • "Colonel" Dave Schmidt; for the name: Planet Oit ©

NSF Major support provided by the National Science Foundation

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