CS488: 3D Interface Project, Assignment #3
Due: before the start of
class, Tuesday, December 12th
Submit documentation via e-mail to
hmkabir@yahoo.com (with a cc to mohammad_hossain@ndsu.nodak.edu)
3D Interface Project
Getting Started
The IACC PC clusters are equipped with JBuilder 3.5, you
are strongly encouraged to use the clusters for this assignment (you will find
it much easier to use an IDE like Jbuilder, where you can drag and drop your
You will find a "project" file, in GZIP format, on the oit.cs machine at http://oit.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu/~mooadmin/CS488.
This will contain
- a JBuilder project file, if you wish to use it
- the complete set of GUMI .java and .class files.
- a file called MyInterface.java which is where you will do your work (you
will be changing the name of this file to match whatever object you are
interfacing to; eg. PopcanInterface.java). This file contains a JFrame
containing your interface components. You will probably want to import SWING
components into this file
- a file called MyObject.java which is the representation of your object on
the MOO. You will change this file's name to PopcanObject.java.
will also find the VRML loader in this directory, named "vrml97.jar".
For this project, you will need to download and install the DirectX Java3D
libraries, as follows:
- point your browser to http://java.sun.com/ and follow the link on
the left to "Developer Connection".
- if you have not already, register as a Sun Java Developer
- follow the http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/earlyAccess
- click the Java3D 1.2 link, to download the libraries to the student folder
- make sure Jbuilder is not running
- double-click to install the libraries in the
C:\class\cs\jbuilder35\jdk1.2.2\ folder
- then, download the "vrml97.jar" to
- Make sure DirectX 7 or greater is installed by going to the Start Menu
and running "dxdiag". If not install DX80eng.exe
Each object on the MOO will have a property named ".interfaceclass" which
will be assigned the value of, in this example, "PopcanInterface"
- when you first connect to the MOO, you will see your generic object in
front of you
- on first entry, you will click on your object, and a dialog box will
appear where you can assign your .wrl file to your object
- When everything is loaded, clicking on your object, in the 3D GUMI
interface, will instantiate your class.